
How Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism can effect your digestion
Thyroid Health, Gut Kristin Beckedahl Thyroid Health, Gut Kristin Beckedahl

How Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism can effect your digestion

Up to 40% of those diagnosed with the autoimmune, underactive thyroid condition (Hashimotos hypothyroidism) have low stomach acid. This can result in symptoms including ‘reflux’, gas, bloating, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), feeling full or tired after meals and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). It can also contribute to low iron or vitamin B12 and/or anaemia.

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Pregnancy: the ‘ultimate stress test’ for the thyroid gland
Pregnancy, Thyroid Health Kristin Beckedahl Pregnancy, Thyroid Health Kristin Beckedahl

Pregnancy: the ‘ultimate stress test’ for the thyroid gland

A mother’s thyroid gland in pregnancy needs to increase its hormone production by at least 50%! This is for her own need for thyroid hormones, and to supply her baby with thyroid hormones. For up until 16-20 weeks, the baby relies completely on the mother’s thyroid hormones until it’s own gland is mature enough, in the 3rd trimester.

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How a mother’s Vitamin D status influences her breastmilk levels
Breastfeeding, Vitamin D Kristin Beckedahl Breastfeeding, Vitamin D Kristin Beckedahl

How a mother’s Vitamin D status influences her breastmilk levels

The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in breastfed babies differs vastly between studies and nations at 0.6% - 91.1%! Breastfed babies are (or can be) ‘particularly vulnerable’ because breastmilk doesn’t naturally contain high levels of Vitamin D. Combine this with a mother having low Vitamin D levels herself, it further reduces the amount that passes through breastmilk.

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Postpartum hair loss: what’s normal and what’s not
Postpartum, Iron, Thyroid Health Kristin Beckedahl Postpartum, Iron, Thyroid Health Kristin Beckedahl

Postpartum hair loss: what’s normal and what’s not

If you’ve been pregnant you’d probably remember the lusciousness of your hair; thick, shiny, long. This was thanks to the high amounts of circulating oestrogen and progesterone, this helps keep our hair in the ‘growth’ phase compared to the ‘loss phase’. Then we arrive at postpartum and enter a new hormonal state - and the shedding begins.

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